“The fam and I went for some allergy clearing today with Dr. Ross. Oh, my wow!!! I never would have expected the changes I am already seeing after only a few hours. Things I had not recognized as a problem are cleared up completely. For example, I have a ton more sensation in my tongue (I have had nerve issues with it since I had my wisdom teeth pulled), I can easily breathe, my throat opened up, my eyes feel clear, I am happy again, I can think without effort (my brain functions as a system instead of sporadic thought), I ate lunch and did not experience any bloating, I can feel the sensation of heat, cool and touch more easily on my skin, my daughter has quit sniffling, the bloating in my sons tummy is going down, my husband is no longer coughing nor snoring, my husband is actually resting pretty soundly right now. I cannot wait to see how much more life is going to change for us in the coming days and weeks. Thank you, Dr. Ross, for being a faithful servant of our God.”